Use this feature for a rapid, one-time assessment of overall trends.

Note: This feature is currently scheduled for a major interface update.


Set up the paper analysis set based on conditions that satisfy all provided filter options, such as Research Field, Keywords, and other available categories.

Research Field This feature applies filters using automatically tagged research agendas for each paper in Scinapse. You can add multiple fields. When you select two or more fields, the system displays papers that match at least one of your chosen fields.

Keyword This function filters papers using keywords, searching various text information such as paper titles, abstracts, journal names, and publication years. Like Research Fields, multiple keywords can be added, and papers satisfying at least one of the input keywords are filtered. Use quotation marks to set phrases, not just single words, as search keywords.

Published Year Filter papers based on their publication year.

Article Type Filter papers based on their type. Paper types are automatically determined by AI model.

SCIE Perform filtering only on journals indexed in SCIE.

Affiliation Filter papers using research institutions. This filter considers only the affiliations of the first author or corresponding author.

Journal Filter papers based on the publishing journal.

Country Filter papers conducted in specific countries. The country is determined based on the location of the research institution affiliated with the first author or corresponding author.

Citation Count Filter papers with citation counts above (or below) a specific number.

Journal Impact Factor Filter papers published in journals with impact factors above (or below) a specific value. The journal impact factor is based on the 2023 impact factor announced in 2024.