The Scinapse Pro Plan has finally launched 🎉

Over the past few years, through Scinapse, we have strived to solve various problems researchers faced in the field. However, the simple keyword-based search by the existing Scinapse platform and other academic search engines were ineffective in solving these issues.

We aim to enable researchers to dedicate more efficiently to their work by dramatically reducing the time and resources needed for research. In response to these challenges, we have created specialized tools through Scinapse Pro that assist users in exploring the research ecosystem and discovering valuable insights, beyond simple paper searches.

Today, with the launch of the Scinapse Pro Plan, which was developed in our beta service & merged with, we are taking a step forward into the future of research.

Scinapse Pro is designed to go beyond typical search, providing data and statistical analysis related to research, enabling easy understanding of trends without having to read the entire paper. With these advanced features, we aim to provide you with a whole new experience.

For this, we utilized everything from traditional data statistical methods to AI technologies to extract and compile data from papers, creating meaningful information, which we now aim to deliver to researchers through Scinapse Pro.

Research Intelligence

Research Intelligence

Scinapse Pro includes two new features: Research Intelligence and Expert Finder.

With Research Intelligence, you can understand the latest trends in specific fields and identify leading researchers at the current moment. Using our unique calculation methods and filters, we offer analysis results specific to your needs.